Below are some important clinic policies. Please review.

School and work forms

Please make sure that you drop off any forms that need to be filled out by Dr.Vik for school or work at least 48 hours before they are due. Please book an appointment when dropping off the forms or when picking up the forms so that Dr.Vik can review them with you. There will be a cost associated with filling out these forms as OHIP does not cover this.


If you need a refill on prescriptions, please book an appointment to come in and see Dr.Vik. There is an extra administration cost of $15 for prescriptions that are sent to the pharmacy without an appointment. Please call the office if you are in need of a prescription urgently. Please provide us with at least 3 business days to get a prescription request completed.


Appointment times

While we strive our hardest at the clinic to remain on schedule for all of our appointments, occasionally situations come up that require some more time and attention and we may run a little late.

There are a few things you can do to help us run on time. Please remember that a general appointment is only 10 minutes. Therefore, please try and limit your appointment to 2 concerns. We can always set up a follow up appointment to allow adequate time to explore your further concerns.

Please arrive on time to your own appointment. If you are more than 10 minutes late to your appointment, we may need to ask you to wait until there is a free spot in the schedule to ensure we stay on time for the other patients in the office. If you are late to your appointment and the next patient has arrived, the next patient will be seen first.

Please let the front staff know about the reason for your appointment. This will help the staff triage your appointment and ensure we have more time if needed.

Annual Physicals

There is a change in our approach to annual physicals. The College of Family Physicians no longer recommends we do full annual physicals. Instead, we recommend wellness checks at least once a year to review your health screening (ex.paps, mammogram and colon cancer screening) and vaccinations. In terms of any current health concerns, you can book an appointment at any time to go over these.

Please read the following article on annual physicals.

Uninsured services

Please note there are some services that are offered at our clinic that OHIP does not cover. Please see the link for a list of all the services and the associated costs:

A very special thanks to Jared Chambers for providing the beautiful photography featured in this template.